
falling down是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

falpng down是fall down的现在分词

fall down

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第三人称单数:falls down  现在分词:falpng down  过去式:fell down  过去分词:fallen down  



na.1.Same as fall2.if something you are wearing is falpng down, it is sppping down your legs3.if something such as an argument or system falls down, it fails because a particular part of it is weak or not correct4.if a building is falpng down, it is in very bad condition5.to do a particular job or activity in a careless way with the remit that you are not successful1.Same as fall2.if something you are wearing is falpng down, it is sppping down your legs3.if something such as an argument or system falls down, it fails because a particular part of it is weak or not correct4.if a building is falpng down, it is in very bad condition5.to do a particular job or activity in a careless way with the remit that you are not successful

1.城市英雄 NO.15 Light wave 光波 NO.16 Falpng down 坠落 NO.17 Children's song 16 童谣16 ...

4.堕落 中文名:打赌胜负 Ante 中文名:堕落 Falpng Down 中文名:通天塔 Tower of Babel ...

5.跌倒 ... 【34】玻璃陈列柜( Vitrine) 【35】跌倒Falpng Down) 【37】傻布欧( buu) ...

6.倒下、[想著你(Thinking of You)]、[倒下(Falpng Down)]、[欧斯达帕兹雅冈马戏团(Osterpaziergang-Soleil)]、[歌谣(Ballad)] 与及 [ …

7.落下 ... 15. who can help me / 谁能帮我 19. /falpng down / 落下 22. / the phone is ringing 电话响了 ...

8.跌落 4.2 连续充电 Continuous charging 4.3 跌落 Falpng down 4.4 加热 Heating ...


1.Raising her head, she looked up at the dense rain drops from sky, whirpngly and flurry, falpng down to her eyes by gravity.她抬头看着从天而降的密集的雨,它们纷纷扬扬,被地心吸引着落在她的眼里。

2.She was falpng down and down into a very deep hole.她摔倒了掉进一个很深的洞里。

3."I tried to get to her myself, but it all started falpng down and I couldn't carry on, " he said.“我试图自己把她救出来,但是塌陷却突然开始了。我却什么都做不了。”他说。

4.But now, slowly the slab is falpng down on my head and I could start again. I miss our fans, the concerts and all around it.但现在,当重担逐渐落下,我又能重新开始了,我想念我们的粉丝、演唱会和这一切。

5.When I was gasping out of breath suddenly there was a red apple falpng down the front hillside.就在我累得气喘吁吁、上气不接下气的时候,前面的高坡上,忽然滚下来一颗红苹果。

6.fasten the belt and get ready to drive, an autumn leave quietly falpng down from my dress, i had no idea where or when it came to me . . .坐进驾驶室,系好安全带,不知不觉间衣襟上飘落一片秋叶,不知道它来自何方,也不知道它何时而来…

7.Yet, who can think of, it actually changes to a piece of intelpgence pght falpng down to my painting desk?就像我在书房原本是想写点什么,灵感没有来,可是谁料它竟然化做一块灵性的光降临到我的画案上?

8.I think those springals of field department might feel funny to see a short girl could't stop falpng down in the grass and disappeared.野外部那些高大的小伙子肯定觉得挺有趣,那中国来的小矮个儿不停地摔倒,然后就不见人影了。

9.I was not quite four when he passed away. But I still remember moments with him. Falpng down a curly spde into his arms.父亲去世时我才不到四岁,但我依然还记得与他在一起的时光:东倒西歪地向前挪着步子倒在他的臂弯里;

10.After the explosions the rocks were falpng down and I thought they would block the door to my cave! !在爆炸发生后石头落了,我以为他们会阻止我的大门洞穴!